2017年4月13日 星期四

Teaching For Pray

If you look forward to be in the West World, do remember recite "NAMOAMITOFO" three times a day.
First time, when you get up from bed, sit on the bed, recite 10 times;noon at 12:00 in the office, sit in the chair,
recite 10 times, this is the second
times; the third times, when you are going to bed time, recite 10 times.
After you recite, remember to reflection.
Regarding reflection, my teach is :
"I pray for all peace:
Heaven Peace
World Peace
Land Peace.
Human peace
Scient peace."

Copy right reserved on April 13,2017.

2017年4月11日 星期二

Religion News

Explain why Tibet religion destroyed.
No future generations for Tibet religion. Because they suicides their own last generation in several years ago, and they'll  be going to hide in
hell don't know how many millions of years. So their religion be natural cut down, and destroyed, cannot continued. They have no future generations in their religion. Not anybody suicide them, it is "they self
suicide." The religion history cannot
keep on. Tibet religion have to accept
it. They destroyed themselves, not others, non of Big Cloud Buddha business.

Copy right reserved on April 11,2017.

Reflection teaching Translation

(Yuan shen si fang chin tu chung)
I look forward to be in the West World.
(Geou ping lien hwa wei fu mu)
Nine stage lotus is my parents.
(Hua kai gien fo wu wu' shen)
Lotus open meet the Buddha know
you are passed away,
(Bu tue pu sa wei bang leu)
Swear Bodhisattva are our company.
-- 大雲佛翻譯迴向偈
  Big Cloud Buddha translate from
  Reflection teaching.

Copy right reserved on April 11,2017.