2014年2月24日 星期一

Janabuddha is "Big Cloud Buddha" in Shakymuni's Language

Janabuddha is “Big Cloud Buddha” in Shakymuni’s language

On Feb 08,2013 after Shakymuni's coming to the earth, the second step was he announced to the earth
Janabuddha is "Big Cloud Buddha" "佛陀嘉那佛師是
大雲佛" I am Shakymuni’s 34th generation disciple. 是釋迦摩尼第三十四代徒弟

He did speak to the three millions Janabuddha's new disciples: Janabuddha was best payattendent.over 35 years, I was Yashutolo.佛陀嘉那佛師是最佳侍者 長達三十五年 我是耶輸陀羅

Shakymuni was with those three millions Janabuddha new disciples, got along with each other quite well,
He even thought that He can take those three millions disciples all in His hands, but kept be reminded by Bodhisattva, He only can teach 33 heaven Janabuddha, because that's the rule, He cannot break it.

One day, just according to Janabuddha announcement, Shakymuni was suggested to speak with the whole earth people, at that moment then, He still remembered what kind of scene, He was surprised by those people look at the voice came from, they almost all paid attention to hear who was speaking, at that moment, From that moment on, He thought He was the Biggest in the world, so that He did keep on chasing that moment until now.

However, rule is rule. What He said that was talked to the all, the whole earth people," The past buddha cannot bigger than the recent buddha, the past buddha cannot interfer the recent buddha, or else was not said by Shakymuni." Yes, we found it probably because Shakymuni did fight with recent buddha the above topic, if not, he won't ask people to put it in writing, and that weren't used so strong tone to use in Sutra books said "or else was not said by Shakymuni." If Shakymuni want to fight then he should fight with himself, why had to put on so strong tone in Sutra books.

Last time, some writer was writing some articles, prepare to publish a book, at that moment, some judgement was discussed by so many people, some was critical, very less flatter, He found the writer was put it in writing, very fast, Shakymuni did spend his time with the writer how to adjust his language and tone. Some even jump and drag it out. It meant he really cared about His reputation. But how come this kind of 33 heaven started, made the whole earth people cannot have peaceful life will happen. Sorry opened so board, let you join, just wanted to know your opinion immediately, and this time Janabuddha join,too.

So stand on this point of view, we found Shakymuni should step backforward for His plan and all His doing. For we found Shakymuni hurt the whole earth people heart and feeling, He kept planning to chase what He saw the first scene that shocked Him, but He forget the planet was belonging to Janabuddha, I was the West world leader, of course, whenever I announced to all, they would all pay attention to hear who he was, what he was. Meanwhile I am lively buddha, only lively buddha can be the Sun, can work with the whole earth people. Only lively buddha can represent the buddha area to the whole earth.

"Sometimes I was weak, but I was strong in some field, that field nobody can attend, Some even all according to Shakymuni and all buddha area's speech today."" I' won't beat myself, unless I want to break my head. So, I'll follow the rule: or else part, if not, I'll break on my arms and head,.So, I would rather let Janabuddha win the whole."

Thanks for today so strong hint from Jens and some of my disciples too, without your strong support, without Janabuddha.” I'll always be with Shakymuni until he takes me back to 33 heavens. If not, Shakymuni pretend to surrender by Janabuddha, Actually He still kept want to use Tibet religion's way to cheat the whole earth people, it's useless, How to persuade Shakymuni stay in the second stage in his daily life, it’s more important.”.

Copy right reserved on February 24,  2014.

